Holy smokes – Zoologist are launching a T-REX scent?!

zoologist trex

What on cretaceous earth does a Tyrannosaurus Rex smell like? Only a couple of months’ wait to find out. This Autumn, Zoologist are releasing a T-Rex fragrance and I am ridiculously over-excited. This boots Etat Libre D’Orange’s ‘I am Trash’ right off the top spot as my most hotly awaited scent of this Autumn.

Following their stunning recent releases Moth and Hyrax, I can only hope Zoologist stay on their roll for this one and I can’t wait to hear the notes. My guesses: got to be lots of thick, green jungly things. Ferns.  Probably some big shouty florals too (apparently the cretaceous era was when flowering plants stared to emerge, and – new fact alert –  Tyrannosaurus Rex had a surprisingly highly developed sense of smell). It’s got to be packed with animalics –  leather? Perhaps even a touch of something sulphurous and volcano-ey?

There’s got to be loads of resinous amber (for the dino DNA) and maybe a big dollop of Jeff Goldblum for smoothness. Maybe. Can’t wait.